Friday, October 31, 2014

Queen of Clubs; Cora: Katie de Long

*ARC copy was provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

I think few words are needed to explain this novella, complete with strippers, lapdances, private rooms, and a hookup, but this sums it up quite nicely.

I usually don't like novellas because they are so short, and I really like a good plot line with twists and turns. But hell, I figured why not. I sure don't regret this one at all. I loved the chemistry between the two characters, and I liked that neither of them were super rich with money to blow, only hooking up because they were bored.

Cora was pretty feisty, but it just added to her charm. She really made me want to set the inner bad girl in me free, and just go a bit crazy. The characters were easy to relate to in this novella; which was nice. Instead of the guy dropping hundreds of dollars on stuff for her, he saved up his money for what he really wanted, and was up front with her about everything. No lies or backstabbing. I really wanted this to be longer, but I guess I can hope for more stories about these character in a follow up at some point.

I recommend this for anyone who has a short plane ride, or just a few hours to kill when taking a break between doing things. Or just wants a really dirty read. Worth the read!

Definitely wanting to read the next installments in this series, can't wait to see more from this author!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Every Ugly Word: Aimee Salter

**ARC provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

This book was that powerful. If any of you go and view the books I have read and rated, you will realize how difficult it is to get a full five stars. This book gets six stars. For those of you who have been bullied, the main character is someone you will be able to identify with. For those of you who are introverts or shy or have anxiety, you can identify with this book. Aimee Salter has created a masterpiece that (for me at least) rivals the works of many other novels and authors of the same category.

So the plot line is that 17 y.o. Ashley Watson is a victim of bullying, where everyday is a struggle to keep herself going, to keep the hate away. But she sees in the mirror her 23 y.o. self. Older Ashley tries to help younger Ashley get through each day, so that when she grows up, things will be better. Ashley's best friend, Matt is always there for her, until he isn't. Matt is a loveable character, but I still wanted to strangle him. Matt thinks that things in Ashley's life are better than they actually are, because she can't bear to tell him the truth. When an old flame from Ashley's past comes back into her life, Matt realizes just how much she means to him.

Now let us talk about Dex. He was a total douche, I can't even think about him without wanting to go on a murder spree on his ass. But oh well. I really thought he was going to be something different, and be "the one" for Ashley. But I also don't want to give away too much of what happens, so I'll leave it at this:

Matt and Ashley have a very interesting friendship dynamic. He was not abusive exactly, but he was not a good friend either. He seemed to treat Ashley like a plaything, and took her for granted. The one major problem I had with him was that he never stood up for Ashley. I enjoyed finally watching him mature in the last few chapters, and be there for Ashley, in both scenarios.

This book was an emotional rollercoaster, but was well worth the read. I was left sobbing over my kindle when I finally finished it. I recommend this book for everyone, especially those who are looking for a book they feel they can identify with. If you have never been on the receiving end of bullying, this was a pretty accurate portrayal of what people go through. I was very happy with the ending, and have told everyone about this book, but wow, way to kick my heart in and leave me to pick up the pieces.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Tempting Mr. Perfect: Rebecca Rose

**ARC provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

Overall, I felt that while this book was pretty good, it was also pretty predictable. The romance was sweet, the sex was fairly hot, and love conquered all.

I liked Dave, I did, he was never a major dick to Kathy, they had their fights, but they always ended up forgiving each other. Every girl likes a bad boy, and wants to tame one. I'm pretty sure that this was the epitome of Dave and Kathy's relationship. I know that Dave hasn't been a "bad boy" for a while now, but he still had that rough edge around him (he does own a bar after all). I like that he wasn't afraid to fight for Kathy (literally) if someone overstepped their bounds. And she didn't have a problem with it either.

Kathy was a cool character. I liked that she was strong and able, she got herself out of a nasty marriage, and away from her crazy parents. Her ex-husband was a piece of work. I understand that she was glad to be free of him, but I would not have had the restraint she did. I would have called the cops on his ass long ago. She was also a graceful character. She took things in stride and tried her damnedest to keep her chin up, no matter what.

I can't give this book the full amount of stars, simply because this plot line has been read way too many times by me lately, and nothing about it made it stand out from the others. Don't let that stop you from reading it though, it was definitely worth checking out. This is a book I would recommend for those of you on vacation with a few hours to spare between flights, or just lazing away at home with nothing to do. It was a pretty quick read, and well-thought out.

Monday, October 6, 2014

First Annual BDSM Writers Con Anthology: Various

**ARC provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

This is one of the first books that I have read that I would recommend to everyone. Most books have an appeal to a certain type of people, but I think this book is important to read. I enjoyed learning about the various degrees of styles of living within the BDSM lifestyle. 

I think that many people have preconceptions about what it is all about, but this book would open the eyes of those who don't understand or have incorrect assumptions about BDSM. While there were many different arrangements portrayed in the book, I think that there were some left out, but I hope that they will be in the next book? I would read any publication similar to this again.

I understand that people may not agree with the lifestyle, or choices that are made in this book, but the excerpt from the book BSM The Naked Truth in the middle of this anthology should be read by anyone who has heard of BDSM. It not only dissuades any ill-conceived notions, but tells the reader exactly what is going on and what the proper terms are. I really enjoyed reading that part of the book. I will most likely end up reading the entire thing at some point.

Most of the authors in here were good, some could use work, but overall it was a enjoyable read.