Monday, December 28, 2015

Searing Ecstasy: Setta Jay

**Copy provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

I've been waiting for this book from about the second book. Drake was this all powerful guy that's cranky and a bit of an asshole. So watching him fall so hard was awesome.

I actually really liked this one. It felt like the series was getting back on track, there was so much plot development, and it is so compelling now. I just want the rest of the books so I can finally get some freaking answers. I was a little wary of the fact that they woke up another god, but it turned out well...and I hope the next book is about him. Hello cliffhanger ending!

One thing I didn't like was that everyone was so hard to keep track of. It was one of the few things I didn't like about this one. I was also a bit disappointed about the lack of some detail. In the other book, it seemed like there was more about the mating ceremony and everything that follows, it felt missing for some couples in this book. I enjoyed almost all of the book, and I'm glad that everything worked out.

Overall it was a good book, can't wait to read the next one!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Untamed: S.C. Stephens

**Copy provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

So after reading the rest of this series, I never thought that I could like Griffin. I mean, I didn't hate him in the other books, but he was crass and annoying. Yet in this book, I was actually rooting for him by the end.

Granted, most of the book, Griffin drove me nuts. He was still an arrogant dickhead 99% of the time. I really didn't like this book as much as the ones before it, and in order to read and understand this book, you definitely have to read the first three.

At least for me, a lot of this book was just painful to read. It felt awkward and I was embarrassed for Griffin and it made me cringe. I mean, just he just did so much stupid shit and the way he acted was pathetic.

Overall, it was a decent book, and a good addition to the series. I liked that we get to continue to see Kellan and Kiera's relationship, along with Anna. This one had a much different vibe to it than Kellan and Kiera's books. Which was nice, there wasn't so much angst and stupid drama. There was actual problems that a couple had a tough time overcoming.

I'm also ridiculously happy that this ended on a happy note, it was pretty cute. It's worth the read if you already like the series, but if you aren't super invested, don't bother.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Ugly: Margaret McHeyzer

**Copy provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

Soooo.....I am one of the few who not only disliked this book, but practically hated it.

I felt awful for hating this book, but I just couldn't connect with Lily at all. I found the pace of the book slow, then alternately jumpy and confusing to follow.

I think that the author did a great job with this book, the characters were well written, and, in my opinion, fairly accurate as to how a victim of domestic violence would act. I liked that Lily finally took a stand and learned how to be strong, how to depend on herself, and how to overcome everything she had been through.

But, even though the book ended on a happy note, it wasn't enough to make it worth the read.

Sorry, just wasn't for me.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Unforgettable (Always #2): Cherie M Hudson

**Copy provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

This book almost broke me. You will feel all of the feels (yes ALL of them)...

I think that for most of the book I was on Brendon's side. All the lies that were told to him and all the accusations just ripped out my heart. I felt so bad for Brendon, even in the first book. The Biceps just drew me in with the way he cared for Maci, helped her out, he was just such a good guy. 

But then he goes back to Amanda and just Gah! was just heartwrenching. This couple goes through something so terrible and it hurt them, but ultimately made them stronger.

I didn't really like Amanda at first, but she grew on me a bit. I did admire the fact that she did anything she could for her son. She was determined, and while she still loved The Biceps, she didn't need him (well, until she did). 

I liked that everything progressed at a reasonable rate. I also liked the fact that so much of their back story was provided. I loved getting to know what they were like and what exactly went down the last time they were together. 

We still get to see the other characters in this book as well. I'm excited for the next book, I can't wait!

I would give this book a five, but I just couldn't forgive Amanda the way Brendon did. So a very high four, and well worth the read!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

When We Fall: Marquita Valentine

**Copy provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

I do have to say, this one was much better than the first one. I loved Piper, probably because she overcame so much and became independent.

Jase was amazing, maybe a bit too sappy, but overall...

Piper has been my favorite character in the series so far, and the way that she and Jace overcame their differences was amazing, it wasn't easy for them, but yay! they did it. I think that Piper has also been the most relatable character so far. The author did a great job writing her character. Piper's parents were assholes, as was pretty much everyone else from that part of her life.

Jase did a great job taking care of Piper, learning what he could about her so she could live better, yeah, he was an idiot and an ass at first, but (and this is one of those cases that I actually like dual POV) reading what he thought about what he was doing, and how much he was hurting himself, I didn't think so lowly of him. I mean come on, he did save Piper, without going overboard because he cared enough not to go pack to prison.

I think a great part of this book was that both Jase and Piper learned how to love themselves. They both hurt themselves so much, and its obvious, but they healed each other along with themselves.

This book was a fairly quick read. Plus, we do get to see Rowan's continued relationship. A good book, cute, predictable, but adorable.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Snapped Series: Ketley Allison

**Copy provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**


I had my suspicions about who actually snapped, but my first few guesses were waaay off the mark. As the last book started to come to a close, I finally figured it out.

Although these books started off pretty slow, and admittedly, boring, they quickly pick up speed and once that happens, I promise you won't bee able to put it down.

I liked most of the characters, I also liked how well-written the characters were. I hated a lot of the drama that was in this book, but it helped set a really good background. 

They were all pretty quick reads. If you like murder mystery with a bit of hot steamy sex, read these! Definitely a five star series.