Friday, January 1, 2016

Calling Me (Complete Series): Louise Bay

**Copy provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

I actually really liked this series, it was slightly predictable, but it was still cute. I really liked the whole friends-to-lovers plot, most of the ones that I've read aren't too great, but the author did a nice job on these.

I thought that all of these could have been combined to make one book, instead of making three novellas out of it, but it did keep me interested. 

Both of the characters did a lot of growing up during these books, and I liked how Luke finally grew a pair and took what he wanted. I think that Ashleigh still had some growing up to do, even by the end of the book. The characters were well written and I enjoyed watching the two of them finally come together to be a couple.

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Glad I decided to check this series out, will definitely keep an eye on this author.

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