Saturday, February 21, 2015

Thoughtful (Thoughtless #1.5): S.C. Stephens

**ARC Copy provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

This book...I love it. I originally read the full series a while ago, but re-read them to prepare for this one. Now, I was not Kiera's biggest fan when it comes to how she acted and everything that went down between Kellan, Denny and her, but this book was the best one of the series.

I don't think I have ever happy danced so hard about a book before.

And now that I'm done, all I can say is that I hate Kiera that much more for everything she did.

I loved Kellan's perspective, he was so tormented by his past, his present, and what he would do in the future, and then Kiera came in and messed it all up! Half the time she acted like a raving bitch, and the other half like she didn't care at all about Kellan. I found it hard to read from Kellan's perspective because he loved her SO MUCH! 

My heart was continuously breaking for Kellan, I know he had his flaws, but he had so much more to overcome than Kiera did, and he was the one who I thought deserved someone much better than Kiera.

This story was messy in a good way. It wasn't perfect, and the author was honest when it came to Kellan, he had plenty of faults, he needed to be healed, he used girls just because he could. It was much easier to understand after reading that both of the main characters were a wreck and that is why they had such a hard time.

All of my favorite scenes from Thoughtless were in here, which totally won over my inner fangirl. I could go on and on and on about how much this book rocked, but I'll keep it short. READ THIS BOOK!

This author's writing has only excelled over the course of these books, and I can't wait for more!

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